Lot number: 2784617
Quality: **/*
Lot number: 2784617
Quality: **/*
42-46, 176-77. Bølgelinjetype 1905/06 og Chr. X 5 kr og 10 kr 1927/28. Postfrisk, bortsett fra nr. 42, 177. (2755,- DKK)
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Lot number: 2784617
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I tillegg vil det påløpe 23 % salær. Se våre betingelser.
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The auction has ended. The lot is unsold, but can be bought for price estimate + commission.
You are about to buy lot no.:
42-46, 176-77. Bølgelinjetype 1905/06 og Chr. X 5 kr og 10 kr 1927/28. Postfrisk, bortsett fra nr. 42, 177. (2755,- DKK)
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